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Time and its Shenanigans

Time goes by quicker than I thought. If I were back in a science class now, it would seem impossible for me to measure it's acceleration. My calculator would go poof!,  and the science teacher would be completely exhausted by the end of the lesson. For me, it was only the beginning of the year 2024 yesterday, when I could still hear the fireworks. Time seems so small and yet infinitive at times. My alarm clock would disagree though, he seems to think time's just perfectly fine and I just need to eat my breakfast a little faster. I can't blame him, he was made to scream at me while I try to sleep in a little extra 5 minutes. Though, sometimes, especially when I'm waiting for time to go faster, it seems as if I can almost see it grinning mischievously at me and deliberately going slower. And when I've finally settled down in front of my favourite Netflix series, it goes way quicker that it's supposed to.  Time and its shenanigans; if it were a book title of a gui

"Bye bye Shaay"


In the beginning we were just niece and niece

we had conversations, but those were very brief.

Later on we became the best of buddies

we talked about countless things, maybe also our studies

Then came the time when we had to go

None of us saw that coming, but that was months ago

But do know that we think very often of you

because we are the best buddies crew

Before I end this poem that could most likely touch the sky

We would all like to say: “Bye bye Shaay.”

Dedicated to my niece

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